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Chinese translation for "big hand"


Related Translations:
big:  adj.1.大,巨大;大规模的;已长大的。2.〔口语〕重要的,重大的;伟大的;出名的,极成功的,受欢迎的。3.骄傲的,傲慢的,自大的。4.怀着(孕),有(身子);〔比喻〕充满着…的,洋溢着…的 (with)。5.宽大的,宽宏大量的。6.〔口语〕(风等)剧烈的。短语和例子a big house 大房子。 a big enterprise 大企业。 a big pay 高薪。
big navy:  【政治学】大海军主义。
big shot:  〔俚语〕 = big bug.
big wheel:  〔美俚〕要人。
big drink:  短语和例子〔美俚〕1.大洋。2.密西西比河。
big jeep:  〔俚语〕巨型轰炸机。
big headed:  adj.自大的。
big dress:  宽松式女服。
big game:  【打猎】巨兽〔象、狮子等〕;(钓鱼)大鱼;〔俚语〕(需冒危险获得的)特大奖赏[目标]。
big end:  【机械工程】连杆头。
Example Sentences:
1.Let us all give her a big hand .
2.Let's all give them a big hand for their marvellous creations .
3.He had held up his big hands which were trembling under the influence of her eager enthusiasm .
4.He sat there gently, and quiet, his big hands resting on his knees. peace shone in his face .
5.Now , let ' s have a big hand for dr . anne brown
6.May i ask you to give a big hand to mr . in - seo kim
7.Let ' s have a big hand for our next guest singer
8.Let ' s give the singer ( 歌手 ) a big hand
9.His big hands and feet are like paddles 4 in the water
10.Let ' s give a big hand to stanley wilson
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